The Void of Celebration
Release the grip on the reigns of certainty
Let the straps snap back into the abyss
Away away, the mirage disappears
What’s left here in the void?
What even lives here, in this dark terrain?
Which types of organisms does this climate host?
What does this earth interact with?
Who are my allies, and what forms do they take?
What does symbiotic relationship mean here?
Slow down. Inhale, exhale.
I study my hands, imprinted with strap marks from eons ago
Lassoed by illusion, held captive
Or is that so?
What’s the real story?
Could it be that this was all my choosing?
It’s strange, difficult to distinguish
What is, what’s not
What’s mine, what’s “theirs”
I float in this space, acclimating to this untethered body
Gliding through the continuum of being
I’ve heard of this place before
The liminal, the bardo
The place fully charged with infinite potential
It doesn’t seem like much, this nothingness
I open my other senses to see what they have to tell me
The invisible, they tell me, holds the magic
Follow the feeling and you’ll know where to go
The signposts will appear
They’re extremely reliable
Especially when you demonstrate with action that you trust them
“They” are your allies
The ones weaving your web; constellating
The ones carrying you through space-time
The ones whispering to you: you are already whole
You are never alone
See that you are a holon
A vast world nested within an even more vast world
Now that I inhabit this blackness
My precious identity is blurred
Like a fresh ink mark smeared by an elbow
Rendering the word illegible.
What was that word again that people used to call my attention?
I can’t even recall with clarity.
What do I choose?
In this place of raw potential and infinite possibility, any energy can reign — fear, joy, anger, compassion, sadness, love, contempt, bliss
It’s safe to have my talons free of grasping
My hands resume their original shape
My belly reassures me with its fiery roar
The synapses are awakening with sparks of light,
The connection rebooting, restored
Now home in the vast abyss in which I am inextricably linked
To every other life form
I’ll get off at Exit 55L
And see what’s happening there
I hear they’re working on evolving consciousness with a spirit of celebration
That seems like a worthwhile ancestral task.